UI/UX Design

UX Analysis & Redesign

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The context

Booking.com is a travel site and metasearch engine that collects and lists places around the world to make it easy for users to find and book accommodations when people travel. With hundreds of unique visitors daily, booking.com primary goal is to offer deals and provide booking arrangements to users around the world.

The Challenge

Currently, booking.com carries a complex information architecture. Critical content for some of the major user goals camouflages with an overwhelming amount of content on the page resulting in a negative user experience with the site.

The objectives

The goal of this project was to rethink and create a more intuitive information architecture using a UX process and analysis so that users can reach their goals and find the information they need with ease. Additionally, I aimed to redesign the user interface for booking.com’s landing page.

The Approach

01Analyze The Current Information Architecture

Information Architecture (IA) is the science of organizing and structuring content on a site. The objective is to organize content so that users would easily adjust to the functionality of the product and could find everything they need without a tremendous amount of effort.

Visualization Meets Information Architecture

To better understand and visualize the general IA of booking.com's landing page, I mapped out their current content into the following sections. The goal was to collect a list of all the content presented on the landing page.

02Cultivating Empathy

The User Interviews

User interviews are a great tool to extract information from users about their experiences and thoughts. The primary goals for this method were to:

User Interview Protocol

Pre-Assessment Questions

Landing Page Evaluation

Card Sort

Interview Conclusion

I interviewed 5 participants with the following background:

Overall, the responses to the user interviews were as follow:

Landing Page Perception

Participants had a chance during the session to evaluate and browse booking.com’s landing page on desktop while observing their behaviors and asking relevant questions.

Card Sort

Card sorts are a method used to help design or evaluate the information architecture of a product. During the user interviews, 5 participants organized content items into what was most to least important/useful to them to view on a travel site's landing page.

03Redesign IA

User Flow

By determining the path user follows through the site, it allowed me to see possible the blueprints of the experience that I can further optimize. Therefore, I ideated on the ideal user flows for booking.com's landing page. As a result, I placed users into two groups according to their different needs.

Let’s Eliminate The Confusing Content

It is vital to remember that the landing page is a collection of information pieces that is there to serve the user needs. Therefore, I focused on what I plan to remove from the current landing page and why I would like to remove it?

Remove The Clutter For A Better User Experience

Simplified & Organized For A Better Information Architecture & User Experience

04Design Iterations

With a new information architecture, I brought the findings to life through annotated, low-fidelity and mid-fidelity designs. The intention behind this stage was to create a goal-oriented layout, based on the newly-proposed, intuitive information architecture.


Sketches are a great method to create as many alternatives of the layout as quickly as I could.


Through this constant ideations, the strongest ideas moved from sketches to wireframes using Sketch.

05Hi-Fi Mock-Up

Lastly, I created a high-fidelity mock-up as the final deliverable.

Comparison: Old vs. New Design