Hi, I'm Wayne
Welcome To My Digital Portfolio

I'm a Senior User Experience Researcher based in the San Francisco Bay Area.
I help companies innovate products and experiences that solve real problems.

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User Research, Human Factors

Usability Study on a New Self-Injector Disposable Pen

Led the formative usability evaluation on the BD Vystra™ self-injector disposable pen, including test preparation, evaluation, analysis and reporting.

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UI/UX Design

Turning Empathy Into a Practical Digital Solution

Led in the creation of a design solution which included UX methods such as user journey mapping, empathy mapping, a persona, wireframing, usability evaluations and more.

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UI/UX Design

Booking.com UX Analysis
& Redesign

Redesigned the booking.com’s landing page to rethink and create a more intuitive information architecture and user-friendly design. The redesigned included UX methods such as user interviews, card sorts, user flows, mock-ups and more.

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User Research

Cognitive Rehabilitation Study for Brain Injury

Assisted in exploratory user research to examine how a driving simulation game might provide Speech-Language Pathologists (SLPs) with an additional evidence-based commercial game option when working with their patients who have had a brain injury (BI). I assisted in research preparation, evaluation, analysis and reporting phases.

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